Extend Dryer Life
Why Fire Safety Risks Matter

Think You Need a New Dryer? Think Again!
When a dryer starts performing poorly, taking longer to dry clothing, or overheating, people often believe it is a mechanical issue and start shopping for an entirely new dryer. At Dryer Vent Wizard, we’ve seen the baby go out with the bathwater in this way many times. In reality, the source of the problems may not be a malfunctioning appliance at all, but rather an accumulation of lint or other debris in the dryer vent line.
Professional inspection and dryer vent cleaning can bring your dryer back to life, often restoring the dryer function to its original capability. In order to keep your dryer operating a peak efficiency, manufacturers recommend that dryer vent lines are professionally cleaned once per year.
To learn more about extending the life of your dryer with our professional dryer vent cleaning, call us today, or request an appointment to schedule service now.
Maintenance for Vent Fire Prevention:
Dryer Vent Cleaning
The majority of dryer fires could be avoided by regular vent cleaning. Removing the highly flammable lint from inside the vent is one of the best ways to prevent dryer vent fires. Dryer Vent Wizard service professionals are experts at vent cleaning to prevent fires. We use professional tools and techniques to ensure a thorough and complete clean.
Dryer Delinting
Your lint trap and dryer vent are not the only places collecting lint. Dryer delinting is the process of opening the dryer and cleaning out lint that has escaped the lint trap but not made it into the dryer vent hose. To fully protect yourself and prevent dryer fires, have your dryer delinted.
Lint Screen and Trap Cleaning
The dryer's lint trap ensures excess lint is captured and doesn’t create a fire risk. But cleaning the trap every time you run the dryer isn’t all you can do to help prevent dryer vent fires. We recommend having it professionally cleaned to ensure it works as it should.
Dryer Vent Wizard Can Help

Join Our Team
Dryer Vent Wizard has over 125 locally owned and operated franchise locations in the U.S. and Canada. Dedicated professionals are always encouraged to apply to join our local Dryer Vent Wizard team!